Here you will find events of interest for sustainability research organized by DKN, Future Earth or other organizations in the DKN network.
34th Meeting of the German Committee Future Earth
Location: Online
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35th Meeting of the German Committee Future Earth
Location: Hamburg, Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS)
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36th Meeting of the German Committee Future Earth
Location: t.b.d.
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There are currently no events scheduled..
There are currently no events scheduled..
33rd Meeting of the German Committee Future Earth
Location: Hamburg, Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS)
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WCRP Open Science Conference 2023
Advancing climate science for a sustainable future
Location: Kigali, Rwanda and Online
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Future Earth Autumn School. Sustainability science framings and practices in Europe: How do we leverage transformative research?
Location: Aussois, Savoie, France
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Closed cycles and the Circular Society 2023: The power of ecological engineering
Location: Chania, Greece
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International Conference on Regional Climate
Location: Trieste, Italy
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EMS 2023 Session Programme
Location: Bratislava, Slovakia & Online
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IPBES 10 Plenary
Location: Bonn & Online
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32nd Meeting of the German Committee Future Earth
Location: Bonn, DFG
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Transforming consumption-production systems toward just and sustainable futures
Location: Wageningen, The Netherlands
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DPG Summer School: Physics of the Ocean
Location: Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany
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Future Earth Assembly
Location: Online & Panama City, Panama
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Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress 2023
The World's largest transdisciplinary gathering for the global Sustainability Community
Location: Panama Convention Center, Panama City
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Biodiversity Convention - From Science to Implementation
Location: Monte Verità, Ascona
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Herrenhausen Conference: Climate Related Systemic Risks: Lessons Learned from Covid-19
Climate change related systemic risks have the potential to be an even greater threat than those of the COVID-19 pandemic. Are we prepared for this?
Location: Herrenhausen Palace, Hanover, Germany
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6th international EcoSummit 2023
Building a sustainable and desirable future: Adapting to a changing land and sea-scape
Location: Gold Coast, Australia
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6. BMBF-Symposium „Nachhaltigkeit in der Wissenschaft“ in Zusammenarbeit mit der HRK
Auf dem Weg zu einem nachhaltigen Hochschul- und Wissenschaftssystem
Location: Umweltforum, Berlin
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Future Research School: Data science and machine learning for climate research
Location: Bertinoro, Italy
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Beirätedialog 2023 I
Transformation gemeinsam gestalten - Impulse aus der wissenschaftlichen Politikberatung
Location: dbb Forum Berlin & Online
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EGU General Assembly 2023
Location: Vienna, Austria & Online
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31st Meeting of the German Committee Future Earth
Location: Hamburg, GERICS Chilehaus
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Pathways Forum - Ecological Imagination: building transformative pathways with insights from the humanities
For a better integration of the humanities in transformative pathways
Location: Online
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Summer-Winter School COVIDGI
In this Summer-Winter School, you will learn the basics and intermediates of the programming language Python, and how to apply it to increase sustainability.
Location: Online
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Transformative Research in Cities - Workshop for Young Researchers
Workshop for Young Researchers: Call for Presentation Proposals
Location: TU Dortmund Fakultät für Raumplanung (Hybrid Format)
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Ansätze für die Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung von Forschung
Online Workshop
Location: Online
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9. Deutsche SDSN Versammlung
Jahresversammlung von SDSN GERMANY
Location: Berlin
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1st European FEdA conference: Biodiversity and Human Well-Being – Europe’s Role in Shaping Our Future
Virtual Transdisciplinary Conference
Location: Online
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Transitioning to Systems of Sustainable Consumption and Production: From Knowledge to Action
FUTURE EARTH Systems of Sustainable Consumption and Production Online Conference 2022
Location: Online, Zoom & Slack/Discord
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Sustainability Science Forum 2022
Shaping Research for our Future
Location: Eventforum Bern
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Annual Conference on Earth System Governance: 2022 Toronto Conference
Governing accelerated transitions: justice, creativity, and power in a transforming world
Location: Toronto, Canada
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Pathways Europe 2022
Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference
"Sharing Landscapes"
Location: Wageningen, the Netherlands
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Sea Level Rise Conference 2022
This conference will bring together researchers, stakeholders and policy professionals in Venice to exchange on regional to local sea level change in Europe
Location: Venice, Italy
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YOUMARES 13 - Conference for young marine researchers
Future Oceans - Science for resilient marine ecosystems
Location: Hybrind | Museum für Naturkunde, Invalidenstraße 43, 10115 Berlin.
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Digitale Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung
Wissenschaftliche Tagung im Kontext einer (digitalen) Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung
Location: Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg
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Forum Wissenschaftskommunikation 2022
Shaping transformation – Science communication for a changing society
Location: Hannover
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European Research and Innovation Days
European Research and Innovation Days is the European Commission’s annual flagship Research and Innovation event, bringing together policymakers, researchers, entrepreneurs and the public to debate and shape the future of research and innovation in Europe and beyond.
Location: Digital Event
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Kopernikus-Symposium 2022
Energiesicherheit und Klimaneutralität: Wege zur Beschleunigung der Energiewende
Location: Tagungswerk Berlin und online
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Führende interdisziplinäre Fachtagung für Extremwetter im Klimawandel in Deutschland
Location: Internationales Maritimes Museum in der HafenCity Hamburg und online
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21. Jahreskonferenz des Rates für Nachhaltige Entwicklung
Transformation anpacken, Zukunft schaffen. Nachhaltigkeit als Gemeinschaftswerk.
Location: bcc Berlin Congress Center
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Future Earth Assembly Meeting 2022
The 2nd Future Earth Assembly Meeting
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2022 Global Futures Conference
Setting critical actions for global transformational change
Location: Javits Center, New York City
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ICSD 2022 - 10th Annual International Conference on Sustainable Development
The International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD) provides a forum for academia, government, civil society, UN agencies, and the private sector to come together to share practical solutions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Submit an abstract by May 1
Location: Online
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ECR-NoN Capacity Building Workshop for Early Career Researchers
Das Early Career Researchers Network of Network (ECR-NoN) bietet einen offenen, zweitägigen Workshop zum Kapazitätsaufbau in Sarajevo an.
Location: University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina/Online
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K3 Kongress zu Klimakommunikation
Unser Klima. Unsere Zukunft. Klimakommunikation in Krisenzeiten.
Location: Züricher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenscharften (ZHAW) und die Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (ZHdK), Zürich
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ICYMARE 2022 Bremerhaven
International Conference
For YOUNG Marine Researchers
Location: Bremerhaven
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Tipping Points: From Climate Crisis to Positive Transformation
This meeting will explore the latest developments in both negative and positive tipping points, at scales from local to global, and from theory to practice.
Location: University of Exeter, United Kingdom
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International Mountain Conference 2022
Session ID57: Science-based Pathways to Sustainability in Mountains
Location: Insbruck
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8th Potsdam Summer School 2022
Towards a Sustainable Transformation – Climate, Energy and Nature in a Changing World
Location: Potsdam, Germany
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World Symposium 'Implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals – Regional Perspectives'
World Symposium on the (regional) implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
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High-level Political Forum 2022
Building back better from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) while advancing the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
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Plenary of the IPBES - ninth session
Plenary of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services - ninth session
Location: tba. - Bonn, Germany
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UN Ocean Conference 2022
Location: Lisbon, Portugal
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World Biodiversity Forum 2022
Location: Davos Congress Centre, Switzerland and online
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DKN Panel Discussion: Research Priorities for Sustainability Science
DKN panel discussion as part of the Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress 2022 (SRI2022)
Location: Hamburg / online
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Sustainability Research and Innovation Congress 2022 (SRI2022)
Location: Online and onsite in Pretoria, South Africa
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Forum on Scenarios for Climate and Societal Futures
The forum brings together a diverse set of communities who are using or developing scenarios for use in climate change and sustainability analysis.
Location: Laxenburg, Austria
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28th annual ISDRS Conference
Sustainable development and courage: culture, art, and human rights
Location: Stockholm & online
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29. Sitzung des Deutschen Komitees für Nachhaltigkeitsforschung in Future Earth (DKN)
Location: Hamburg, GERICS Chilehaus
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Workshop für Antragstellende in Horizont Europa für die Cluster 4, 5 und 6
Workshop für Antragstellende in Horizont Europa
für die Cluster 4 'Digitalisierung, Industrie und Weltraum', Cluster 5 'Klima, Energie und Mobilität' und Cluster 6 'Lebensmittel, Bioökonomie, natürliche Ressourcen, Landwirtschaft und Umwelt'
Location: Online
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Neuntes Nationales IPBES-Forum
Location: Bonn - Hotel Collegium Leoninum
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Planet und Gesellschaft: Die Grenzen nachhaltiger Zukünfte
„Zukünfte der Nachhaltigkeit: Modernisierung, Transformation, Kontrolle“
Location: Warburg-Haus, Hamburg
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Dresden Nexus Conference 2022: Biodiversity – Stewardship for Vital Resources
Location: online conference (sessions) with selected live and on-site elements and formats
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50 Jahre SRU: Umweltpolitik für das 21. Jahrhundert
Location: Berlin - Hotel Aquino
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Location: Online
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Forum Citizen Science Deutschland 2022
Das Forum Citizen Science 2022 steht unter dem Motto: "Global - Regional - Lokal: mit Bürgerwissenschaften für die UN-Nachhaltigkeitsziele".
Location: online
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FE Tipping Elements Discussion Series: Tipping towards positive social change
Discussion series from 1 September 2021 - 31 December 2022
12. May 2022
Tipping towards positive social change
Location: online
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REIHE N - "Vorsorgen! Wie Resilienz zum Maßstab der Nachhaltigkeitsgovernance in Politik, Verwaltung und Daseinsvorsorge wird"
Das neue digitale Veranstaltungsformat „REIHE N“ - der Nachhaltigkeitsdialog des Rates für Nachhaltige Entwicklung (RNE) diskutiert Nachhaltigkeit konkret. Entlang der sechs Transformationsbereiche der Deutschen Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie thematisiert der RNE aktuelle Nachhaltigkeitsthemen, die umtreiben.
10. Mai 2022
VORSORGEN! Wie Resilienz zum Maßstab der Nachhaltigkeitsgovernance in Politik, Verwaltung und Daseinsvorsorge wird
Location: online
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FONA-Forum 2022: Mit grünen Innovationen in die Zukunft
Das FONA-Forum bringt Menschen zusammen, um gemeinsam mehr zu erreichen!
Location: online
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FE Tipping Elements Discussion Series: Human and Earth systems interlinkages
Discussion series from 1 September 2021 - 31 December 2022
07. April 2022
Human and Earth systems interlinkages
Location: online
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REIHE N - "Zirkuläres Wirtschaften: Wie das Denken in Kreisläufen zum Standard wird"
Das neue digitale Veranstaltungsformat „REIHE N“ - der Nachhaltigkeitsdialog des Rates für Nachhaltige Entwicklung (RNE) diskutiert Nachhaltigkeit konkret. Entlang der sechs Transformationsbereiche der Deutschen Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie thematisiert der RNE aktuelle Nachhaltigkeitsthemen, die umtreiben.
23. März 2022
ZIRKULÄRES WIRTSCHAFTEN: Wie das Denken in Kreisläufen zum Standard wird
Location: online
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tF-Symposium 2022: Lösungen entwickeln und erproben
Location: Schader-Forum | Goethestr. 2 | 64285 Darmstadt
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Darmstädter Tage der Transformation 2022
Location: Online aus dem Schader-Forum | Goethestr. 2 | 64285 Darmstadt
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FE Tipping Elements Discussion Series: MONSOONS
Discussion series from 1 September 2021 - 31 December 2022
09. March 2022
MONSOONS: Tipping Elements, Irreversibility, and Abrupt Change - Monsoon Systems & Potential Tipping
Location: online
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Public Presentation of DKN Position Paper
Location: online
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FE Tipping Elements Discussion Series: OCEANS
Discussion series from 1 September 2021 - 31 December 2022
11. February 2022
OCEANS: Tipping Elements, Irreversibility, and Abrupt Change - Ocean Systems & AMOC
Location: online
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Climate (Change) Communication
6th Annual Conference of the Science Communication Division of the German Communication Association (DGPuK).
Location: TU Ilmenau and online
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REIHE N - "Klimaneutralität: Was jetzt zu tun ist"
Das neue digitale Veranstaltungsformat „REIHE N“ - der Nachhaltigkeitsdialog des Rates für Nachhaltige Entwicklung (RNE) diskutiert Nachhaltigkeit konkret. Entlang der sechs Transformationsbereiche der Deutschen Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie thematisiert der RNE aktuelle Nachhaltigkeitsthemen, die umtreiben.
02. Februar 2022
KLIMANEUTRALITÄT: Was jetzt zu tun ist
Location: online
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27th Meeting of the German Committee Future Earth (DKN)
Location: Online
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2021 Global Conference on Health and Climate Change
Location: Glasgow, UK
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26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26)
Location: Glasgow, UK
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Coastal Futures: Transitioning towards a respectful custodianship of our oceans and coasts
Location: Gold Coast, Australia
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UN Biodiversity Conference (CBD COP 15)
Location: Kunming, Yunnan, China
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Second International Conference on Natural Hazards and Risks in a Changing World
Location: Online + on-site at the University of Potsdam, Germany
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Bund/Länder-Arbeitsgemeinschaft Wasser (LAWA) Klimawandelforum 2021
Location: Stuttgart
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Climate Engineering in Context 2021 (CEC21) conference
Location: Online
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6th Edition of Adaption Futures
Location: Online
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European Sustainable Development Week (ESDW) 2021
Location: Online
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2021 Bratislava Conference: Earth System Governance in turbulent times
Location: Online + Bratislava, Slovakia
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otsdam Summer School 2021 "Water: Our Global Common Good - The Hydrosphere across Land and Sea"
Location: Potsdam, Germany
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IMBeR ClimEco7 Summer School: Interdisciplinary ocean science for sustainable development goals
Location: Vancouver, Canada
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German Sustainability Science Summit 2021
Location: Online
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High-Level Political Forum 2021 (HLPF)
Location: Online, New York, USA
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Future of Science Communication Conference
Location: Online
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European Research and Innovation Days 2021
Location: Online
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IPBES-8 Plenary
Location: Online
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6th International EcoSummit Congress
Location: Online
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Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress 2021
Location: Online + Brisbane, Australia
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26th Meeting of the German Committee Future Earth
Location: Online
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6. Regionalkonferenz des Bundes und der norddeutschen Länder
Location: Online, Hamburg
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2021 World Conference on Natural Resource Modeling
Location: Online
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Kick Off Conference 2021, United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development
Location: Online, Berlin, Germany
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Global Solutions Summit 2021: The World Policy Forum
Location: online
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Climate Change and Water 2021: Extreme Events
Location: Online
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5th European Climate Change Adaptation Conference (ECCA 2021)
Location: Online + Brussels, Belgium
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Coimbra Sustainability Conference 2021
Location: Coimbra, Portugal
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SDG Global Festival of Action
Location: Online
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tF-Symposium 2021: Vom Experiment zum Mainstream
Location: Schader-Forum, Goethestr. 2, 64285 Darmstadt
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12. Deutsche Klimatagung
Location: Online
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12. Deutsche Klimatagung
Vorgesehene Themenschwerpunkte: Klimavorhersage und -projektion, Klimaschutzpläne und Anpassung, Energiewende, Klimakommunikation, Innovation und Mitigation
Location: Hamburg
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Strengthening the Science-Policy Interface for Ocean Sustainability
Location: Online, Paris, France
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8. Forum Klimaökonomie
Location: Online
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25th Meeting of the German Committee Future Earth
Location: Online
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8. Nationales IPBES-Forum
Location: Online
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The European Green Deal and Nature-based Solutions
Location: Online
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Race to Zero: Bolstering whole of society engagement for climate neutrality and sustainable recovery
Location: Online / Brussels, Belgium
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13. Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitstag: Mit Transformation aus der Krise
Location: Online / Düsseldorf
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Towards a Common Approach to Sustainable Supply Chains and Due Diligence
Location: Online. Webstreamed on BMZ Webpage
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24th Meeting of the German Committee Future Earth
Location: Online
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26th Conference of the Parties (COP 26) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
Location: Glasgow (Schottland)
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Klimaresilient in die Zukunft
Nationale Konferenz zum Fortschrittsbericht zur Deutschen Anpassungsstrategie mit der Preisverleihung „Blauer Kompass“
Location: Online
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Climate Change and the European Water Dimension: Enhancing resilience
Location: Berlin, Germany
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Information webinar on BiodivERsA and Water JPI call
Location: online
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Annual Conference of the European Sustainable Development Network
ESDN Conference 2020
Location: Online / Berlin, Germany
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7. Forum Klimaökonomie
„Ausstieg aus fossilen Energieträgern – wie gelingt eine faire Systemtransformation“
Location: Berlin / Online
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s:ne tF Symposium 2020
Wege transformativer Forschung
Location: Darmstadt / Online
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European Forum for Science and Education for Sustainability
From Ambition to Action - Together for an Innovative and Sustainable Europe
Location: Online / Berlin, Germany
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How to ...? From climate knowledge to climate action
International Symposium: Exhibitions and Education for Sustainable Development
Location: Online / Bremerhaven, Germany
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European Research & Innovation Days 2020
Bringing stakeholders together to shape future research and innovation policy.
Location: Online
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8th Annual International Conference on Sustainable Development
ICSD 2020: Cross-Cutting Solutions for the Decade of Action!
Location: Online
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Deutsche Aktionstage Nachhaltigkeit 2020
Location: Deutschland
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NaWik-Konferenz für kommunizierende Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler
Location: Karlsruhe / Online
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23rd Meeting of the German Committee Future Earth
Location: Online
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RNE Online-Konferenz 2020
Online-Konferenz und Online-Foren des Rates für Nachhaltige Entwicklung (RNE)
Location: Online
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Future Earth Summit 2020
First Virtual Future Earth Summit
Location: Online
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Dresden Nexus Conference 2020
Circular Economy in a Sustainable Society
Location: Online
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22nd Meeting of the German Committee Future Earth
Location: Hamburg
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World Biodiversity Forum
Exploring the future of biodiversity
Location: Davos, Switzerland
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26th Meeting of the German Committee Future Earth
to be annouced
Location: Online
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1st European FEdA conference
Biodiversity and Human Well-Being – Europe’s Role in Shaping Our Future
Location: online
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